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Counselor Availability

Counselor availability will be Monday through Friday from 7:45-2:45. In addition to being in your child's classes weekly, the School Counselor is available to meet individually with students per self-referral or family/teacher request as the schedule will allow while in the building. Please understand that emergencies could impact the counselor's availability. Middle School students will receive a pass to meet with the counselor at a scheduled time. They are responsible for missed work during the appointment. If there are conflicts with a meeting time they can be rescheduled. If there are concerns with academic work I would encourage all families to check power school regularly and to communicate directly with the academic teacher. If you have any questions please feel open to contact me.

School Counseling Services at Westmoreland School

Learning is not solely based upon one’s ability to achieve. Instead it is a combination of one’s ability, drive and desirability. To foster the growth of a student three basic principles need to exist. First, students need to feel connected to their school. This relationship is established through the daily interactions that occur between students, families and faculty. Second, Individual students need to develop a sense of community. In order to respect their environment, they must feel like they are contributing to it. Finally, students need to have positive role models that will believe in them. Learning is incessant, when youth are excited about learning, it is a desire that will stick with them through life. Therefore, it is imperative that a program consider the individual learning styles, provide encouragement and support (to both the student and the families), and provide resources to them as they embark on a journey of limitless possibilities.

Learning is not just academic but it is emotional as well. As adults many of us can reflect back to our school experiences and can recall specific events in our life that were significant enough to leave an impression on us the rest of our lives. Some positive, others perhaps not as fondly remembered. Regardless, the academic years prove to be a time when many of our impressions, perceptions and experiences are shaped. During this time, there is also a social climate in which the student is navigating through and learning what to accept and what is not acceptable. Character development, building of interests and strengths, the need to develop strong problem solving skills and conflict resolution are a few areas of concentration for a school counselor. Combine the aforementioned areas with the unforetold life events small or large that impact the individual, family and sometimes community. There are a myriad of dynamics that unfold as a student is engaged in the learning process.

The counseling services intend to provide support, to collaborate with the family, faculty, and community. The services aim to creatively engage the individual student in order for them to feel as if they can thrive. The most important piece to the counseling services besides the individual student, is the parent/guardian. Families are committed to raising and providing what is best for their children. Although there are certainly times throughout the developmental stages of life when it is natural for a parent to question themselves, with the support and communication of parent, school and child, the process of learning can be enhanced. Meanwhile, frustration and concern might be minimized.

More specifically, In alignment with the American School Counselor Association and the New Hampshire Department of Education the school counseling program is “comprehensive in scope, preventative in design and developmental in nature”. The three domains of focus include (1) academic, (2) career and (3) personal/social counseling services. Adventure based counseling activities and strength based solution focused approach is evident in the program. Sometimes a small change can ignite a solution.

Programs and services offered through the school are available to all students and their families. Families and students are encouraged to contact the counselor with any questions, concerns or feedback. Program provision will ultimately result from the needs and requests from families and students along with current issues that arise in our ever changing world. Curriculum will include topics such as social skills building, violence prevention programming, peer mediation trainings, career awareness, exploration and preparation, healthy relationships and study skills.

School counseling services are confidential. Written and/or verbal permission will be requested should a counseling relationship be established such as when a student participates in a group or a student meets individually with the counselor on a regular basis. Students and parents are welcome to make appointments on their own accord. It is certainly a goal to be able to meet with and form a relationship with all families at Westmoreland School.

With the school housing both the elementary and middle school students, material will be developmentally appropriate and meaningful for the students. There will be transitions taking place throughout the years whether it be for your younger child who is about to experience changes as they enter Kindergarten, move from one grade to the next and enter middle school. With the ultimate transition to Keene High School, there will also be opportunities to do a variety of work with the middle school students and families so that transitioning to Keene High School will be an exciting time in the students academic journey.

Kristin Lyons-Matte

Westmoreland School Guidance