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Acceptable Use Policy

For last several years Westmoreland School has been increasing it commitment to technology and information accessibility. This commitment has been evident with the increasing amount of computers and Internet access in all classrooms and the development of a computer lab. We are proud of the future benefits and advantages this will have on all grades at Westmoreland School. Our Internet connection has been established for educational purposes, which include curriculum, staff development, classroom projects and individual research activities.

With increase accessibility to the computers, our community is providing exciting educational and learning opportunities. This access requires stronger student responsibility because of the exploratory nature of computer searching and the wide range of information available. Access to Network/Internet services will only be provided to users who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner consistent with the educational mission of Westmoreland School. This same policy applies to be physical handling and conduct of the hardware and software provided by Westmoreland School.

Access is a Privilege, not a Right

Always use the Network/Internet in the presence of staff or faculty and in accordance with the following rules:

  1. A user may not send, display, or receive offensive messages, pictures, or other media with is defamatory, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or offensive to human dignity.
  2. A use may not send, display, or receive hate mail, discriminatory or other antisocial remarks, or information which is intended to harass.
  3. A user may not damage computers, computer systems, or computer networks.
  4. A user may not plagiarize. All quotes, references and sources used must be cited.
  5. A user may not trespass into another's user folder, work or files.
  6. A user may not intentionally waste resources such as paper, printer cartridges, disks or storage space.
  7. A user may not employ the Network/Internet for commercial purposes.
  8. A user may not access the Network/Internet to play non-educational games or for other non-academic activities without supervision from faculty.
  9. A user may not participate in any type of teleconferencing or "chat" without permission of the instructional staff.

Access to the Network/Internet by Westmoreland students will not include e-mail services. In additional, Westmoreland Students will not be permitted to submit information over the "Net" without the direct supervision of a Westmoreland School staff member. Conversely, persons or groups will be prohibited direct access to Westmoreland students by way of the "Net." All Network/Internet use will be monitored by school personnel. The school retains the right to review and edit any materials on user accounts. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the authorities. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems will be denied access to the Network/Internet.

Westmoreland School personnel will strive to provide error free, dependable access to the computing resources associated with the Network/Internet. However, the school district and it employees cannot be held liable for any information that may be lost, damaged or unavailable due to technical or other difficulties. In addition, personnel will instruct students on acceptable use of the Network/internet and proper ethics, but the school district and its employees cannot be held liable for student misuse of the Network/Internet.

It is the user's responsibility to abide by all the rules set forth in this policy. Violations will result in an immediate loss of access, and will be referred to an administrator for other disciplinary or legal action.