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SAU29 (ESSER) Federal Funding

Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief (ESSER) Federal Funding

The Districts of SAU 29 are looking for input on how we should spend the ESSER federal funding within all our schools. This page is designed to provide some brief information about ESSER federal funding in general as well as resources that you can access to learn more. We have also created a brief slide show to help walk you through ESSER federal funding so you can provide informed input as to how this money should be invested in your District(s).
What are ESSER Federal Funds?

The purpose of the ESSER fund is to provide districts with emergency relief funds to address the impact COVID-19 has had and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools that are providing educational services and developing plans for the return to normal operations. The ESSER grant provides districts considerable flexibility in determining how best to use ESSER funds. Funds may be used for a wide variety of purposes, which must fall under the allowable investments outlined by federal guidance.

The Districts of SAU 29 have created a ESSER Federal Funding Slide Show to help briefly educate stakeholders around ESSER Federal Funding before completing the ESSER Stakeholder Input Survey.

Additional Resources

ESSER Information Handout
ESSER III Fact Sheet
ESSER I, II, and III Allowable Activities

ESSER - SAU29 New Hampshire School Reopening Plans

SAU29 Opening Plan 2020-2021

SAU29 ESSER II and III Funds Recommended Allocations

LEA ARP ESSER Plan: A Plan for the LEA's Use of ARP ESSER Funds