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SAU29 Towns Kindergarten Registration

Online Kindergarten Registration is available.

Please contact the school directly to schedule an appointment.

Chesterfield School  - (603) 363-8301

Harrisville-Wells Memorial School - (603) 827-3272

Marlborough School - (603) 876-4465 - For Pre-K – must be 4 years old by 9/30/24

John D. Perkins, Sr. Academy of Marlow - (603) 446-3307 For Pre-K - must be 4 years old by 9/30/24

Nelson School - (603) 847-3408

Westmoreland School - (603) 399-4421

Special Requirements

  1. Birth certificates must be submitted for new kindergarten pupils upon registration.
  2. Children residing in Chesterfield must be at least five years of age by September 30, 2021 to register for kindergarten.
  3. New Hampshire RSA 200:32 requires, "There shall be a complete medical examination by a licensed physician of each child prior to or upon first entry into the public school system."
  4. New Hampshire RSA 200:38 requires, "All children shall be immunized prior to school entrance according to the current recommendations of the state public health agency."
  5. Proof of Residency (i.e. bank/credit card statement, lease, pay stub, etc.) verifying physical address of the student’s legal guardian(s) will be required by the school at the time of registration and annually thereafter.
  6. Parenting plans or court documents regarding custodial arrangements must be submitted upon registration.