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Westmoreland PTA

Monthly Meetings

2nd Tuesday of the month @ 6:30 PM


As we work together to raise critically-thinking, creative, compassionate, and responsible young people, the mission of the Westmoreland PTA is to support and strengthen the partnership between parents, teachers, students, and the community towards this end.


Enhance communication between parents, teachers, students and town people. Sponsor events for greater Westmoreland community (as well as the school community). Support the goals of the school as best we can. Encourage greater participation in PTA initiatives. Enhance programs at the Westmoreland School through revenues from annual fundraising events.

Contact Information

Follow: #westmorelandpta on Facebook

Executive Board Members

Heather Lounsbury-President
Sandi Howard-Vice President/Membership
Kristin Bell-Vice President/Events
Danielle Beland-Allard-Treasurer
Ali Cox-Secretary